KB Complex (Swings, High Pull, Snatches, and Front Squat) Mon 7/11

Hurdler stretches, KB Windmills, Potato Squats

Lunch Time Workout:

10 minutes total… as many sets/reps as possible…. resting as long as necessary between sets;
35# KB Complex (Swing, High Pull, Snatch, & Front Squat) x 5 reps/side x 4 sets;
Total:   120 reps in 10 minutes.

The complex was one continuous rep of a swing, HP, Snatch, with the KB lowered to the rack position, then a Front Squat.  It took me a lot of concentration to remember what movement I was doing next and what rep I was on.  The high pull and the 35# KB really taxed my grip by the end of the 10 minutes, especially with my left hand.  My forearms are mush right now as a I cool down from the workout.

Evening Workout:

5.5 mile cycling Hill climb workout.  Compounded by the extreme heat advisory.  Quite hot and misery inducing.

KB Complex: Clean, Front Squat, Press

Jogged up to 5th floor hotel room right after dinner.  I’ll wait longer next time. lol

Kettlebell Complex (Clean, Front Squat, Shoulder Press);
35# x 5 reps, alternating arms after each complex rep.
50# x 5 reps per arm before switching arms.

Never done a KB complex as a workout before.  Two sets seemed like a good place to stop.  50# got pretty tough on the Shoulder Presses.