Miscellaneous Calisthenics

After a big dinner and couple of beers on the road, I didn’t want to interrupt my rest day with too much exercise, but boredom at the keyboard prompted me to improvise some Calisthenics in the hotel room.

1 Minute per exercise (Max reps)

Walking Lunges length of room, 24

Incline Pushups, 17

Situps, 30

Not much, but it beat typing or staring at the TV all evening.

Rowing, GHD Situps, and Back Extensions


Row 250m x 4 with 30 sec rest interval

Barbell behind the neck presss

GHD Situps

Workout (for time:)

1000m Row (Penny’s split: 4:22; Bob’s split 4:24)
21 GHD Situps
21 GHD Back Extensions
15 GHD Situps
15 GHD Back Extensions
9 GHD Situps
9 GHD Back Extensions

Bob Time: 7:21
Penny Time: 8:58

Push Press, Pullups, and GHD Situps


250m x 4 with 30 second rest intervals
Burgener Warmup
Ring Rows
Shoulder Press

21 reps Push Press #45
21 reps Green Band pullups
21 reps GHD situps

Total Time: 2:24

10 Horizontal ring rows (Lay on back and pull chest up to rings)

500m Row 1:58

10 reps Overhead Squats 25# Barbell

Shoulder and Core Work

Penny needed something for a workout that wouldn’t bother her hands, so after she warmed with very light rowing, she did a 5 round met-con that helped to focus on her core and back.

5 Rounds:
15 Overhead Squats with pvc pipe
10 Back Extensions
5 GHD Situps

Time: 7:31

This gave her some nice core and back work for Olympic Lifting.

I wanted to focus on shoulder work.  Almost my total focus at the Weightlifting club as been in the area of deadlifts, squats, cleans, with only some light snatches.  So to prep for upcoming Jerks and build shoulder strength, I did Shoulder Presses (uses arms only) and Push Presses (essentially Shoulder Presses with a short explosive leg drive).

My shoulders have always been some of my weakest body parts, so tonight I focused on 1RM (one rep maximum).

Warmup:  5 minute row

Shoulder Press: (Previous PR 125# back in March)
45# x 10;  65# x 5; 85# x 5; 95# x 3;
115# x 1
135# x 1
140# x 1
145# x 1
150# x 1 (Tonight’s PR)
155# x 1 (failed attempt)

Push Press: (No previous PR attempted)
155# x 1
165# x 1
170# x 1
175# x 1
180# x 1
185# x 1 (PR)
190# x 1 (Failed attempt)

I was pretty pumped that my shoulders have improved so much this year …. and was also pretty psyched how close I got to 200# overhead.  My back certainly couldn’t have handled this much in the air earlier in the year …. just need to focus more effort in this area!!

5 Station 10 minute AMRAP

Wed Evening:
Penny and I did a 5 Round, 10 Minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)

We included exercises that we’ve been neglecting this summer with all the Oly Lifting and Cycling.

5 each per round
Pullups (Penny black band, Bob chinups with green band)
Shoulder Press (Penny 25#, Bob 45#)
Situps (Penny situp pad, Bob GHD)
Dips (Penny parallettes, Bob rings)
GHD Back Extensions

Penny did 6 rounds (30 reps) of everything except Back Extensions (25 reps)
Bob did 7 rounds (35 reps) of everything.

Light Interval Training and Cycling on the Trainer

Right upper back has a “pinch”, either from the Clean Shrugs or some Pullups I was doing on Thursday.

Light interval training:
250m Row, GHD Back Extension with pause at the top, GHD Situps, Ring Rows

Cycling on the Resistance Trainer:
5 minute warmup at moderate cadence (Middle Chain Ring – 2nd Gear) 10mph
5 minute ramp up to cadence 100RPM (Increasing one gear per minute) 12-20mph
5 minute Alternating between Big Ring-8th Gear for one minute, Middle Ring-8th gear for one minute (28mph & 20mph)
5 minute cooldown from Middle Ring-8th gear, reducing one gear per minute.

Total distance: 5.2 miles; 15mph average; 28 mph max

Back Extensions, GHD Situps, 250m Row

I’m still sporting a lot of junk in my chest that’s been breaking up the past few days (I think I passed it on to Penny), so I decided to just go through a circuit of 250m row, back extension, and GHD situps.  I was eager to get some use out of the new GHD machine, so this seemed like a great way to do it.  I haven’t used a GHD in over a month, so the extent of our back extensions and situps have been laying on the floor using the Abmat.  The range of motion on the GHD is incredibly different and intense.. I’m sure I’ll be feeling it the next couple of days!

Workout: (3 rounds)
250m Row
10 GHD Back Extensions
10 GHD Situps

I didn’t do this for time tonight.  Just didn’t have the lungs for it…. but I did try to push a bit harder than if I was just doing this for warmup.

I’m glad we sprung for the GHD.  It was a pretty piece of coin, but for an incredibly effective piece of equipment!

Row(calories) and Situps

I was looking for a nice anaerobic workout, so I had my eye on a workout called Fran (Pullups and Squat Thrusters in rep sets of 21, 15, 9), however, no matter how I tried to warmup my shoulders today, unassisted pullups were not in the cards… almost makes me think I’ve done too much of the “rehab” exercises that the doc had given me to work on my “impingment” issues.

Not to be counted out, I decided to stay with the 21, 15, 9 reps sets, but opted to do them with rowing (for calories) and situps on the abmat.

Row (calories) and situps (reps)
(21, 15, 9)

Time: 5:10

Well… it was definitely an intense anaerobic experience!!

About an hour later I did 20 dead-hang chinups using the black band… just couldn’t let the day go by without at least a smidgeon of arm work. 🙂

Squats, Pullups, Situps

Compare to 090227

We’re slowly adding pieces to the home gym, but at some point will replace the combo/cable gym with a stand alone squat rack and possibly a GHD.  Until then, it will suffice to do squats and presses from.

Pieces of Home gym

Pieces of Home gym

Pieces of the Home Gym

Pieces of the Home Gym

21 air squats
15 pullups
15 sit-ups
21 air squats
12 pullups
12 sit-ups
21 air squats
9 pullups
9 sit-ups
21 air squats
6 pullups
6 sit-ups

Bob’s Time: 10:33

Air Squats

Air Squats

Pullup Bars and Ring Station

Pullup Bars and Ring Station



Sweat Angel

Sweat Angel

21 OHS squats
12 pullups
12 sit-ups
21 OHS squats
9 pullups
9 sit-ups
21 OHS squats
6 pullups
6 sit-ups

Penny’s Time: 6:45

Overhead Squats

Overhead Squats





We underscaled a bit too much for Penny, but I felt about right for mine.  Penny used the Overhead Squats for “balance practice”, but i did my air squats I did for “speed”.  Combined with the pullups it generated a good bit of intensity.  I ended up using some of the later situps as some quasi-recovery time during the workout.

On a bright note, I was able to knock out 10 pullups in a row on the second round, a personal record for me.  My shortcoming still seems to be getting my kip-timing down right.  I kept botching the swing and trying to kip too soon on the pull.  Evenso, 42 unassisted pullups, baby!!! woohoo!! My goal had been to get 44 pullups by my 44th birthday in a couple of weeks…. I should be able to do 4 sets of 10 by then.  Oh… and there was a beautiful sweat angel on the floor when I was finished! 🙂

Iced my right shoulder down as it started tightening up pretty quickly.

Lunge, Pullup, Situp

10 Deep squats

60′ walking lunge
21 ring rows (steep angle)
21 sit-ups
60′ walking lunge
18 ring rows (steep angle)
18 sit-ups
60′ walking lunge
15 ring rows (steep angle)
15 sit-ups
60′ walking lunge
12 ring rows (steep angle)
12 sit-ups
60′ walking lunge
9 ring rows (steep angle)
9 sit-ups
60′ walking lunge
6 ring rows (steep angle)
6 sit-ups

Time: 9:41

Wasn’t sure on best scaling on this, so went with 60′. In retrospect, I probably should have started with the Rx’d 100′ and scaled back on subsequent lunges as necessary.