Thursday Dec 22 KB Swing, High Pull, and Snatch

Today’s exercise was a good way to break up the monotony of creating technical manuals at work.


20# KB Front Squat x 5 reps/side

35# KB Complex x 5 sets (Total 150 reps)

  • Left Hand KB Swing x 5, KB High Pull x 5, KB Snatch x 5
  • Right Hand KB Swing x 5, KB High Pull x 5, KB Snatch x 5

The sets weren’t done all at once, but 1 or 2 at a time as I was putting together binders and running copies from the copier.


KB Complex (Swings, High Pull, Snatches, and Front Squat) Mon 7/11

Hurdler stretches, KB Windmills, Potato Squats

Lunch Time Workout:

10 minutes total… as many sets/reps as possible…. resting as long as necessary between sets;
35# KB Complex (Swing, High Pull, Snatch, & Front Squat) x 5 reps/side x 4 sets;
Total:   120 reps in 10 minutes.

The complex was one continuous rep of a swing, HP, Snatch, with the KB lowered to the rack position, then a Front Squat.  It took me a lot of concentration to remember what movement I was doing next and what rep I was on.  The high pull and the 35# KB really taxed my grip by the end of the 10 minutes, especially with my left hand.  My forearms are mush right now as a I cool down from the workout.

Evening Workout:

5.5 mile cycling Hill climb workout.  Compounded by the extreme heat advisory.  Quite hot and misery inducing.

1-Handed KB High Pulls Thu 30th

Lunch Time Workout:

35# KB 1-Handed High Pull x 10 reps/side x 3 sets;

Total:   60 reps

I had a difficult time with my left side stabilizing the kettlebell at the top of the pull as I “leaned into it”.  In fact, at the end of the third set, my left hand was loosing the grip on the bell because my “pull placement” was so erratic.  The right side was pretty consistent and strong throughout though.

Kettlebell High Pulls

Shoulder warmups with KB tight circles around head.

25# KB High Pulls x 10/side

5 sets

Total: 100 KB High Pulls

Logging Workouts

I’ve not been logging workouts for the past few months, and the workouts have been very inconsistent…. mostly just some minor strength work or Kettlebell armbars and Turkish Getups and pullups.  Too many excuses (new job and strained feet) and not enough action… time to get cracking again cause blogging helps hold me accountable.


Pullup on gymnastic rings and 5 “Knees to Elbows”

25# Kettlebell 1-arm High Pull x 10 per arm

25# Kettlebell 1-arm Snatch x 10 per arm

60 second rest

25 # KB 1-arm snatch x 10 per arm

Pullup on gymnastic rings and 5 “Knees to Elbows”

Not a very exhaustive workout, but gotta start rebuilding the cardio conditioning.

High Pulls and Snatches and 1K Row

KB Halo 35# x 5/direction
KB High Pulls 35# x 10/side
KB Snatches 35# x 10/side
KB Snatches 35# x 15/side
1K Row, 4:11


Turkish Getups, High Pulls, and Snatches

25# KB Armbars x 3/side,


25# KB 3/4 Turkish Getups x 5/side


25# KB Cleans x 3/side


25# KB OHS x 3/side


25# KB High Pulls x 10/side


25# KB Snatches x 15/side

Kettlebell Swings and Things

35# KB
Halo x 5 rotations per direction
Windmill x 3/side
2-Handed Swing x 10
1-Handed Swing x 10/side

50# KB
2-Handed Swing x 10
1-Handed Swing x 10/side

35# KB
High Pull x 10/side

50# KB
High Pull x 10/side

35# KB
Snatch x 10/side

Kettlebell “Mix ’em up” Medley

KB 35# Halo x 5/side;
KB Press 35# x 5/side;
KB Overhead Walk-around 35#, Right Side;
KB Press 35# x 5 right side;
KB Overhead Walk-around 35#, Left Side;
KB Press 35# x 5 left side;

KB Press 50# x 5/side with 2 second negative;
KB Press 50# x 5/side with 2 second negative;
KB 2-handed swings 50# x 10;
KB 1-handed swings 50# x 10/side;
KB High Pulls 50# x 5/side;
KB Snatch 50# x 5/side;
KB Front Squat 50# x 5/side

Carried 85# of kettlebells down 5 floors to vehicle;
Jogged up 5 floors to room (died from exhaustion);
Carried 25# of KB’s down 5 floors;
Brisk walk up 5 floors of stairs.

More Kettlebells Snatches… in bunches!

Wanted to check my endurance on KB Snatches using a 25# bell.


Brisk walk down/up 5 floors of stairs.

Halo, 25# x 5/side;

Swing, 1-handed, 25# x 15/side;

High Pulls, 25# x 5/side x 2 sets

KB Snatch, 25#  x 15/side, 60 second rest;
KB Snatch, 25# x 15/side, 60 second rest;
KB Snatch, 25# x 10/side, 60 second rest;
KB Snatch, 25# x 15/side.

Total: 100 Snatches!!

My forearms started cramping in the last set despite trying to loosen my grip.  This also cause me to bang my forearms on the final set.  Also, my arms aren’t coming back even with my ear, so I still need to work on flexibility in my shoulders.  All in All, I wasn’t too winded at the end, but I could tell I’d done a few reps… and could have left a sweat angel on the carpet.

Probably need to hold off trying any snatches for a few days or more…. not sure what kind of overuse injuries I could develop as I increase reps, but don’t want to find out the hard way either.

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