Hang Power Cleans, Ring Dips

Today’s workout was called Elizabeth: Hang Power Cleans and Ring Dips (21 reps, 15 reps, 9 reps).

70# Hang Power Cleans
Ring Dips with feet on floor
Total time: 5:10

40# Hang Power Cleans
Parallette Dips with feet on floor and two bumper plates under her ass.
Total time: 6:43

I’d forgotten what an intense workout that Hang Power Cleans can be when done for time!!

Shoulder Press 1RM

Well… except for some minor warmup and hiking, the travel the past few days disrupted my schedule enough that I didn’t get any exercising done.

Got back home and decided that I would do the 1RM Shoulder Press from the CrossFit mainsite the other day.

Warmup including Rowing (30sec Row, 30 sec rest, 5 intervals)

Shoulder Press

20# x 10
40# x 5
60 x 5
70 x 3
90 x 1
100 x 1
115 x 1
120 x 1
125 x 1
130 x 1 PR
135 x 1 Fail

135 x 1 Push Press

I wasn’t very impressed that I only PR’d  the Shoulder Press by 5# from my previous best about 6 weeks ago.  My shoulders are definitely a weakness I need to start focusing on.  Not seeing the percentage gains that I did from the Squats and Deadlifts.

2000m row

2000m row
Did it in four 500m pace segments, but as one continuous row.
Segment 1: 2:55 pace
Segment 2: 2:35 pace
Segment 3: 2:15 pace
Segment 4: 2:30 pace

Total time: 10:00

Rowing Intervals, Shoulder Presses


4 Rounds
250m Row, 30 seconds rest, Paced easy at 2:45/500m


4 Rounds
250m Row, 30 seconds rest interval (target pacing was 2:00/500m or better)
1:01; 0:55; 0:55; 0:49

Skill Development:
Snatch Progression

Also, I’m finally able to start using a barbell with light weight for Overhead Squats (OHS).  Before, I could only handle a PVC pipe because my balance and flexibility were too far forward.  When I previously tried this with a barbell, even the weight of that would try to pitch me on my face as a squatted down, because I couldn’t move the barbell far enough back over my center of gravity.  It’s starting to come around though, but even using 20-30# limits how many reps I can get with the overhead squat.  It’s coming though, man, it’s coming!!

After Penny got home, I went through the rowing interval again, then had her go through the 250m Rowing intervals too.  While she was doing that, I did 3 sets of 10 Shoulder presses 40#.  Each set of 10 as quickly as I could with a 30-60 seconds of rest in between.

When Penny recovered (some) from her rowing, she did 3 sets of 10 shoulder presses 20#.

Not a bad day…. I collected 3000 meters of rowing, and Penny got about 2000.

Deadlift 1RM

We were originally going to do 1RM Back Squats today, but 1RM Deadlifts came up on the main CrossFit site, so we made an executive decision… lol

After warmup, Penny went first:

70×3, 80×3, 90×3, 105, 125, 145PR, 155PR, 165PR, 175PR, 180PR, 185F

Penny beat her previous PR by 45#!!!!  Then did 1000m Row 5:49

I warmed up more and then:

110×3, 150×3, 170×3, 190, 240, 260, 310, 335, 340, 345, 350, 360

We reviewed video after each heavy lift to check form.  My previous PR was 365, but there were definite form errors, so this time I was extra careful from 335 and up.  On my heaviest two lifts, as I was putting the weight back down, my back was rounding, so I called it a day at 360 and didn’t try to tie 365.  I definitely wasn’t feeling it today, so I was happy to be so close to my previous PR.

I seemed to have reached the end of the “easy” PR weight gains from muscle recruitment.  Any future gains will probably have to come from building new muscle… and that’s not really my focus right now.  While maintaining my deadlift, I’ll start exploring my current limits on some of the other lifts (e.g. Back Squat, Shoulder Press, Power Clean, Jerk, Snatch)

Shoulder Press, Sumo Deadlift Highpull, 250m Row

Penny hadn’t felt real good the last couple of days, so this was the first night working out together since Saturday’s cycling.

For tonight, we went for something very anaerobic, doing 5 rounds of 3 stations.

5 rounds
10 shoulder press
10 sumo deadlift highpull
250m row

35# barbell SP, 35# kettlebell
Bob’s total: 9:56

25# barbell SP, 35# kettlebell
Penny’s total: 14:18

Great workout with intensity!

500m Rowing Intervals

Needed something with intensity after I did some dead hang pullups, and muscleup progressions.

3 rounds
500m row (2:18, 2:15, 2:10)
1 minute rest

Total: 6:44

Cycling on the Little Miami Trail

Saturday we did a combination of relaxing ride and some sprinting resulting from harassing smartass comments.

The first half of the 14 mile ride from Kingsview Industrial Park to Morrow and back was relaxing (sub 12mph), but the second half had a fair amount of sprints (26-30mph) and strong sustained pulls (18-19mph).

14 miles; 1hr 8 minutes

The verbose details of the ride can be found on our Great Outdoor Adventure blog.

Deadlifts, Hang Power Cleans, Push Jerks

Warmup: 2 rounds

250m Row
10 situps
10 supermans
10 parallette dips
10 Ring Rows with False Grip
10 Overhead Squats with PVC pipe

Skill Development:
Muscleup progression with blue band

Bob’s Workout: DT
3 Rounds (Scaled from 5 rounds)

6 Deadlifts 140# (scaled from 12 reps)
9 Hang Power Cleans 50#
6 Push Jerks 50#

Bob’s Time: 5:55

Time for some shoulder ice now…

Penny’s Workout: DT
3 Rounds (Scaled from 5 rounds)

6 Deadlifts 90# (scaled from 12 reps)
9 Hang Power Cleans 35#
6 Push Jerks 35#

Penny’s Time: 7:02


Did a brief warmup with a 500m row and 20 ring rows.

Wanted to see how many kipping pullups I could do in a row.

Pullups 20 (15 in a row). Previously personal best was 10 in a row.

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