Mon Jan 23 Evening Challenge 5K Row

Haven’t rowed a 5K since Dec 09, over two years ago.  It was time.

5K Row, 24:27

Rowed in Vibrams…. the kind without tops across your foot, so the foot strap on the rower left a nice raw spot on the top of my feet.

5K Row

Felt like just sitting down and rowing…. partially inspired by my brother’s 15 mile run the other day and my sister’s 10 mile mountain run yesterday…. alas… I can’t row that far but this was my “distance effort”

5K Row 26:20

5K Row


Row 250m x 4 with 30 second rest intervals


5K Row 23:10 PR (a PR for me by 26 seconds over my previous best, but still behind Penny’s PR of 22:58… not sure I’m ever going to catch that girl on the distance rows)

5k Row

My quads and hands were toast…. the quads from Oly lifts, rowing, cycling, and hiking for several days straight, and my hands mostly from cycling without gloves yesterday.  I figured I was due for a rest day… or at least a light day that wasn’t intense nor used the aforementioned “systems”… lol

Penny, on the other hand, needed some intensity… so I gave her two options, and she chose a 5k Row.

Penny WOD:
5K Row 22:54

I felt like dinking around, so after warming up, I did sets of 10 of the following:

Ring Rows x2
Pullups (Black Band)
Kettlebell Swings 10#
Kettlebell Swings 25#
Kettlebell Swings 35#
Kettlebell Swings 55#
Pullups (Green Band)

Nothing intense… rest in between… just a little something for light work.

5000m Row

Trying to get back into the flow of some of the workouts after vacation, so I started with a 5k meter Row.  My last (and only) attempt at this was 4/8/09 in 25:15.

To help set the pace, I programmed in 6 intervals and used a pace boat and increasingly faster pacing to warm me up and keep me moving.  My goal was to do 5000 meters in 25 minutes.

The pace is in parenthesis, followed by the actual time per 500m pace. (No stopping between intervals).

Interval 1– 500m (2:45) 2:32
Interval 2– 1000m (2:30) 2:28
Interval 3– 1000m (2:25) 2:24
Interval 4– 1000m (2:25) 2:23
Interval 5– 1000m (2:20) 2:17
Interval 6– 500m (2:15) 1:59

Total: 5000m, 23:38 (average 500m pace was 2:22)

Almost 2 minutes better than my last attempt!  Sweet!!! 🙂



Penny did her 5K after me when she got home and used my time for inspiration.  Sometimes it’s not a good idea to be going first!  She dusted me with a 23:10!!

Nice job baby!  {brickin’ brackin’ sassafrassin’}

5000m (5K) Row

This was my first attempt at a 5000m row on the rower.  I’d originally slated today as a rest day after the max deadlifts last night, but figured if I took it easy enough, it wouldn’t be too bad.

Thinking that it ought to be easy enough to hold a 2:30 ave / 500m, doing this in 25 minutes seemed achievable.  Penny suggested that I set my expectations a bit lower, like a 3:00 minute average per 500m.  Heck… her saying that was enough to spur me on… I think she knows my competitive hot buttons.

The first 1000m went by kinda slowly.  I used it as a warmup, and I had the damper setting on 4…. a bit too “freewheeling” for my liking.  So after 1k, I bumped the damper up to just above 6 and that felt a lot better.  At the pace I was going, it projected that I would finish the 5k in something over 29 minutes.

To make a short story long, the rowing got easier as I got warmed up and my times got better for each 1000m split.  By the time I got done, I was averaging 2:31/500m and my last 500m was in 1:46.

Total Time: 25:15

Felt pretty dang good for my first 5000m row!!